Perspectief 2019-45

2019-45 Thema – Gemeenschap en Andersheid Teksten symposium 17 mei 2019 in Utrecht Prof. dr. Eduardo Echeverria 37 1 Bates: “Thankfully there are other Eastern Orthodox voices that register these ‘mundane’ (Latin mundus , meaning of the world) concerns better. Zizioulas does not univocally represent Eastern Orthodoxy or the church fathers. His is an important and stimulating voice nonetheless whose emphasis seems to point us to that mysti- cal vision of community, ‘perfect unity which does not destroy but affirms otherness.’ (p. 307). 2 Metropolitan John of Pergamon, ‘The Church as communion. A presentation on the World Conference Theme’, in: Th. Best and G. Gassmann (eds), On a way to fuller Koinonia, Faith and Order Paper No 166, Ge- neva 1994,103-11,103. 3 J. Zizioulas, L'Être ecclésial (Paris: Labor et Fides, 1981). In English translation: Being as Communion: Studies in Personhood and the Church (Crestwood, NY: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1997). 4 Bates: “While in his previous book the focus was on relationality and communion and the unity, this follow-up work is expressly an attempt at providing balance by giving due emphasis to otherness that was lacking in the previous work.” 5 Sergii Bortnyk: “Liebe ist für Zizioulas keine formlose Energie, sondern findet Ihre Ausdruck in der Hingabe des Sohnes, d.h. im Akt der interpersonale Beziehung.Vgl Joh.3:16. Srgii Bortnyk, Kommunion und Person. Die Theologie von John Zizioulas, 231.