Perspectief 2017-36

Perspectief 18 Werk van jonge theologen suffering to become seen in the first place as an opportunity to love rather than as a burden. 56 Robert Krieg, in his study of Guardini’s oeuvre, further explains why this theologian is so critical of modern humanism and its relation to charity. In his 1939 work Welt und Person , Guardini discusses the concepts of heteronomy and autonomy . Heteronomy constitutes the placement of the authority over one’s life in the hands of an entity other than oneself, for example in a government, ideology, person or institution. Such was the case in Nazi Germany, for instance. Autonomy is the complete opposite, as a person places the authority over his life solely with himself. Individualism and anarchism are examples of an autonomic view on life. 57 Both heteronomy and autonomy have dramatic consequences and must be avoided according to Guardini. Only faith in the God of Jesus Christ offers a viable middle way. 58 Confronted with the refugee crisis, Western countries are reassessing their policies and reaffirming their perceived cultural identities. Guardini proposes theonomy for countries to avoid falling into the pitfall of either extreme: placing the authority for one’s life exclusively in God, who in turn grants each human the fullness of humanity. 59 4. Daniel Groody We will now turn to a modern day scholar who provides useful insights into Pope Francis’ spirituality: Catholic theologian and priest Daniel Groody. Groody proposes three concepts fundamental to a Catholic view on migration: Imago Dei , Verbum Dei and Missio Dei , or the Image of God, the Word of God, and the Mission of God. 60 With millions of refugees on the move, a tendency arises to reduce them to exactly that: a statistic, and a problematic one at that. Yet as the book of Genesis teaches, and as the 56 ibid. 50. 57 Krieg, R.A. (1997) Romano Guardini, A Precursor of Vatican II Notre Dame IN, University of Notre Dame Press, p. 471. 58 ibid. 458. 59 ibid. 464. 60 Groody, D. (2008) Dying to Live: Theology, Migration and the Human Journey Reflections, Yale University.