Perspectief 2017-36

General introduction 1
1. Research question 1
2. Methodology and structure 3
3. Terminology 5
4. Relevance 6
Chapter 1: Roman Catholic responses 8
1. Catholic social teaching 8
2. Pope Francis 12
3. Romano Guardini 16
4. Daniel Groody 18
5. Charles Taylor 20
6. Critical voices 21
Chapter 2: Lutheran responses 24
1. The Lutheran World Federation 25
2. Lutheran theological perspectives 26
3. Individual support 30
4. Critical voices 31
Chapter 3: Comparative analysis 33
1. Doctrinal divergences and convergences 33
2. Practical comparison 36
3. Confrontation with international humanitarian law 38
Chapter 4: Conclusion 40
Bibliography 42
Over de auteur Ilse Spruit 49
Colofon 50