Perspectief 2020-48

44 Kateryna Biletska MA Perspectief 8-16% of the total adult population 6 ), it is important to investigate the cases of how mod- ern health systems in certain countries provide support to the carers. We have chosen 3 countries for this purpose: Great Britain (this is where the modern hospice movement was established), Netherlands (because palliative care is quite successfully provided mainly in the context of a multi-field hospital in this country) and Ukraine (because this country is not a member of the European Union and requires systemic changes to its palliative care system to make it function properly. The author of this article is also a citizen of Ukraine). 2 Great Britain – the country of birth and the benchmark in palliative care provision The United Kingdom, though being a kind of a benchmark in palliative care provision, does not have a unique strategy for the development of this type of care 7 . Each member state of Great Britain has its own healthcare strategy. Northern Ireland stands out among them. Thanks to the national program ‘Tr ansforming Your Palliative and End-of- Life Care’ palliative care is deeply integrated into the healthcare and social aid system. In the other parts of Great Britain, the support of incurable patients is also on a high level. It is based on the latest research and achievements in the field of end-of-life care. Now in the United Kingdom, palliative care is provided on two different levels. The first level (general palliative care) is provided by general practitioners, medical nurses, and social workers, and it is related to people with advanced illness if they require this sort of care. The second level (specialist palliative care) is provided by well-trained specialists of different profiles (a multi-disciplinary team) for patients with far advanced illness 8 . In general, in Great Britain, there function around 860 services of different types, providing palliative care to incurable adult patients and their family members. In general, in Great Britain, there function around 860 services of different types, providing palliative care to incurable adult patients and their family members. These include 223 inpatient hospices, 346 teams taking care of palliative patients in the context of hospitals, and 291 teams providing care for incurable patients at home. Besides that, in the United Kingdom, there are 45 inpatient hospices, 45 homes, and 8 hospital programs aimed at assistance provided to children and their parents 9 .