Perspectief 2016-34

Perspectie 60 Colofon Perspectief is a Digital Ecumenical Theological Journal published by the Catholic Association for Christian Unity. Perspectief has a threefold objective: Reflection Perspectief offers a podium for theological reflection on ac tual questions and themes of the ecumenicalmovement. Contributions come from experts of various churches and denominations. Space Perspectief looks for the space where ecumenical dialogues are fruitful. The journal intends to open new perspectives for the future of the ecumenical movement. Youth Perspectief offers young theologians the possibility to reflect on ecumenical experiences and themes and to share their reflections with others in the broader ecumenical movement. Perspectief publishes yearly four issues and can be read for free as a digital journal on the website of the Catholic Association for Christian Unity or downloaded as PDF. Newsletter If you want to receive information about new editions of Perspectief , please sign u p sign up here to the newsletter Support You can support us by becoming a member or benefactor of the Katholieke Vereniging voor Oecumene or by making a one-time donation for the journal, IBAN: NL97 INGB 0000 8019 19 BIC: INGBNL2A. The Katholieke Vereniging voor Oecumene has in the Netherlands the ANBI status. Editorial board Geert van Dartel MA, prof. dr. Fred van Iersel, dr. Karim Schelkens, prof. dr. Peter-Ben Smit, Leo van Leijsen MA, Fokke Wouda MA, .