Perspectief 2016-34

Perspectief 24 Prof. dr. Gabriel Monet becomes closer and closer, or at least the gap of the otherness is reduced through hospitality. Identity is constructed through others and the differentiation that it makes possible. This relationship between identity and otherness has been analyzed in depth by Paul Ricoeur in particular from the concepts of “ idem” and “ ipse” . Idem is what in our identity is immutable, what we have from birth and is held until death. Ipse is what in our identity is gradually built during our life by the encounter with the other; it is the result of the interaction of our identity with that of others. So it is finally when we exchange that we change and anchor who we are; that is life with others that can broaden both their horizons and ours. Hospitality is therefore a privileged space for recognition because it gives the priority to sharing, to the welcome of difference. As soon as we talk about hospitality and about ecumenism, the question of Eucharistic hospitality comes up. This could of course enter in the discussion here, in all its complexity, but it would probably be too “cognized” to find tangible and acceptable solutions. The suggestion here is to consider hospitality as such, sharing a normal meal between different Christians, as potentially fruitful for the sake of mutual recognition. Conclusion We can say that considering recognition as partly de-cognized, with a focus on mutual relationship, on experience, and on hospitality, opens up recognition not only in terms of knowing or agreeing but in the sphere of mutual giving. As Pope Francis states: “It is not just about being better informed about others, but rather about reaping what the Spirit has sown in them, which is also meant to be a gift for us” 8 . It may be new conception of ecumenism that we have to let emerge, but it might be already in the air of the time. A time for uber-ecumenism, for AirCnC… (Air Church and Communion), or a Bla-bla Church… 8 Evangelii gaudium , n° 246.