Perspectief 2015-30

2015-30 Reluctant Prophets - The Prophetic Task of Military Chaplains 49 Reageer Literature Bijsterveld, Sophie van. 2008. “Principled Pluralism.” In The Challenge of Pluralism, Stephen Monsma and J. Christopher Soper, 51-93. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Campbell, Antony and Mark O'Brien. 2001. “1-2 Samuel.” In International Commentary on the Bible, Dutch Edition, part 1, ed. Erik Eijnikel , 659-699. Kampen: Kok Publishing House. Erasmus, Desiderius. 1991. Soldatenbiecht. Baarn: Ambo. Heschel, A., 2001. The Prophets.New York: HarperCollins. Howel, J.C., 2003. “Christ was like St. Francis” In: The Art of Reading Scripture, eds. Ellen F. Davis & Richard B. Hays. Granrapids, Michigan/Cambridge, UK: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company Iersel, Fred van. 2014. “Geestelijke verzorging en psychosociale zorg voor geüniformeerde beroepen: scheiding, fasering of interdisciplinariteit?” In Terug van de Missie. Zorg voor veteranen en de bijdrage van de Geestelijke Verzorging, eds. Fred van Iersel, Jan Peter van Bruggen en René de Boer, 81-121. Budel: Damon. Jaspers, Karl. 2003. Socrates-Boeddha-Confucius-Jezus. Utrecht: Bijleveld. Pinto, David. 2000. Intercultural Communication. A three step method for dealing with differences. Leuven: Grant. Plato (ascribed), Alcibiades I. Http:// Plato (ascribed), Alcibiades II. Http:// ii/alcibiades-ii. Powers, G.F,2013. Catholic approaches to security and peace, in: The Routledge Handbook of Religion and Security, eds. Chris seiple, Dennis R. Hoover and Paul etta Otis, 33-45. London and New York: Routledge.