Perspectief 2015-30

2015-30 Reluctant Prophets - The Prophetic Task of Military Chaplains 45 Reageer reveals that his political leader is an idol who should not be worshipped – which is definitely prophetic. Fourthly , it also implies a political disloyalty towards the Roman emperor, the occupational force in Jerusalem, so the soldier’s witness expresses a form of thorough disobedience. Fifthly, it is quite remarkable that the soldier – as a Roman – witnesses his faith in a cross- cultural way: he dares to cross the frame of reference of his own culture. All these aspects of this soldier’s story may be relevant to military chaplains. The first aspect is a clear illustration that faith and being a military may coincide, because soldiers may intuitively understand the meaning of violence. The military chaplain must avoid any sort of naïve pacifism. Instead he can build his pastoral practice on the soldiers’ experiences. Secondly , the guilt implied in playing a role in world history’s violence, is quite a theme for military chaplaincy in all times. Guilt is not a popular theme in Western culture, not among civilians nor among soldiers. But it is an implication of participating in the course of history. And this may be put forward by military chaplains, too. Thirdly , the revelation of self-idolatry of political leaders leading a war or an occupation, is a highly relevant theme for military chaplains. Happily, through the separation of church and state in modern constitutional states, military chaplains are no longer asked to legitimize politics and politicians. Responsibilities are separated. For military chaplains it opens up the possibility of a prophetic role. He or she may keep a distance from political ideology and take a role in commemorating of the suffering victims of war, and let us say: he or she may remind the soldiers that it is necessary to hope for peace and to treat every person in conformity with the dignity intrinsic to the human person. Surely, remembering the suffering and making them remembered is a prophetic task. The fourth lesson to learn from this biblical narrative is that loyalty to those in power can never be absolute. There needs to be room for freedom of religion and fr eedom of conscience at all times. The prophetic military chaplain may safeguard this room for religious and moral freedom of the military.