Samengeroepen om vredestichters te zijn

SAMENGEROEPEN OM VREDESTICHTERS TE ZIJN 152 Thomashof, Duitsland, 24-30 november 2000 Peter Nissen, ‘The Impact of the Constantinian Shift on the Church: A Catholic Perspective’ Alan Kreider, ‘Conversion and Christendom: An Anabaptist Perspective’. Drew Christiansen s.j., ‘What is a Peace Church? A Roman Catholic Perspective’. Mario Higueros, ‘Justice, the Inseparable Companion of Peace’. Andrea Lange, ‘What is a Peace Church? An Answer from a Mennonite Perspective’. Assisi, Italië, 27 november – 3 december 2001 Peter Nissen, ‘Church and Secular Power(s) in the Middle Ages’ Neal Blough, ‘From the Edict of Milan to Vatican II, via Theodosius, Clovis, Charlemagne and the Fourth Lateran Council or Why Some Mennonites Can’t Quite Trust the ‘Declaration on Religious Freedom’.’ Helmut Harder, ‘What Anabaptist-Mennonite Confessions of Faith say About Baptism and the Lord’s Supper’. James F. Puglisi s.a., ‘Contemporary Theology of the Sacraments with Particular Attention to Christian Initiation (Baptism and Eucharist)’.