Lecture - The Church - by William Henn

19 Reageer Eucharistic worship, thanksgiving, intercessory prayer, through planning for mission and evangelism, through a daily life-style of solidarity with the poor, through advocacy even to confrontation with the powers that oppress human beings, the churches are trying to fulfill this evangelistic vocation” (# 4). [22] For the group discussion to follow my presentation, the following questions were suggested in relation to this first chapter: 1. 1. “It is not the Church of God that has a mission, but the mission of God that has a church" (Rowan Williams). Wat zegt dit citaat ons over de plaats van de kerk in Gods plan? 2. Hoe verstaat u God’s wil met betrekking tot de eenheid van de Kerk? [23] The second chapter retains the title and much of the material from what had been the first chapter of Nature and Purpose and Nature and Mission , that is, “The Church of the Triune God.” It contains a great number of biblical references and presents ecclesiological themes that had been well received in the earlier stages of the ecclesiological project. These themes include shared perspectives on the Church as koinonia (communion); as a prophetic, priestly and royal people; as the Body of Christ and Temple of the Holy Spirit; as one, holy, catholic and apostolic; as sign and servant of God’s Design for the world; as a community whose unity includes legitimate diversity; and as a communion of local churches. New are an opening section on discerning God’s will for the Church and the integration of material that received wide, even if not unanimous, approval in the responses to BEM. Another addition to this chapter is its quotation of the earlier Faith and Order study Church and World , which in part reflected on “the community of women and men” in the Church, which presents Mary as a woman of faith (Lk 1:45) who “pondered in her heart” (Lk 2:19) the