Lecture - The Church - by William Henn

10 that all these conceptions enter into dynamic relations with each other.” 5 Thus the present convergence statement The Church: Towards a Common Vision is precisely in line with the Toronto Statement and with the aim of both the Faith and Order Commission and the World Council of Churches as a whole, that is, to “call one another to visible unity in one faith, one eucharistic fellowship, expressed in worship and common life in Christ, through witness and service to the world, and to advance towards that unity in order that the world may believe.” 6 5 Ibid . 6 See “Appendix 3: By-laws of Faith and Order,” in J. Gibaut (ed.), Called to be the One Church: Faith and Order at Crete , Geneva: WCC Publications, 2012, 236, and L.N. Rivera-Pagán (ed.), God in Your Grace: Official Report of the Ninth Assembly of the World Council of Churches , Geneva 2007, 448.